#378419 - Jimmy stood over in the corner of the shower room all alone while shyly soaping up his overly thin one hundred twenty five pound body!!! Off all the members of the fraternity, Jimmy was the one that was most left out of things, and not just because of his diminutive size, but also from a total lack of self esteem!!! Ever since he was a young boy Jimmy felt like he was a fifth wheel, kinda out of step with the rest of the crowd, and for that reason he threw himself into his studies a which he he excelled!!! When he went away to college, almost as a lark, he went through rush week at several of the major fraternities, and much to his utter surprise he was offered a pledge at the most prestigious frat on campus!!! For the life of him he wondered why they had invited him to join, but later on he discovered that each fraternity is rated by its cumulative grade point average, and every year the pledge board selects several freshman solely on their ability to pull grades!!! The funny thing wa
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