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#203895 - We can’t do anything about the coma, it’s up to him to come out of it. I had heard my sisters thoughts, that’s what it had to be, she was alone and not talking to her self, also she was not in the room, it was the only explanation, it also explained why mom hadn’t heard the doctor earlier, I had heard what the doctor was thinking, not saying. ***************************************** It has been 2 week since I was hit by lightening.

Read Rub Infinity II - Sailor moon Street fighter K.o. beast Bang Infinity II

Most commented on Rub Infinity II - Sailor moon Street fighter K.o. beast Bang

Laura s. arseid
Very hot
Kanade takatsuki
Cease your heresy be purged foul xenos for the glory of the imperium for the emperor
Nobukatsu oda
Thank u